The members of First Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) of Johnstown, believe that we are called to be the people who embody the love of God in Jesus Christ thereby becoming covenant people in who Christ again lives.

The THRIFT SHOP is in need of household items. If you would like to donate items, please drop them off when the shop is open (Thursdays, Fridays & first Saturday of each month 9am-1pm) or drop them off on Monday when the church office is open (9am-noon). Baby items are always appreciated and we are in need of crib sheets. Thank you for your support! Remember all of the proceeds made from the Thrift Shop go towards the FREE Community Lunches held on the last Saturday of each month.
The store is OPEN
Thursdays, Fridays & the first Saturday of each month 9 am-1 pm.
The entrance is on the north side of church, just off S. Market St.
If you can volunteer ANY amount of time, please call us at 518-762-8263. This vital ministry needs you. Just four hours now and then.
The job description is as follows:
1. Open the store
2. Sit by the desk
3. Assist customers
4. Cash them out
5. Close the store at the end of the day
Please consider volunteering. A sign-up sheet is on the side table in the Knox Chapel. Thanks to all our volunteers!

is open on Thursdays from 9 am until Noon.
Our shelf was put on the list of places to go in Fulton County for hygiene items, etc., at no cost to individuals. Individuals are allowed to come once a month and get what they need. We have been blessed with wonderful donations from many caring people and we are so grateful.
If you would like to donate items for the care shelf, there is a tote in the back of the sanctuary which you can put them in. Toilet paper, laundry detergent, shampoo, dedorant, Depends, bar soap, tooth paste and tooth brushes, Kleenex, etc. are all needed. The Care Shelf also has baby items — diapers, shampoo, lotions, wipes, etc.
"If you would like to make a monetary donation, that would be greatly appreciated. I cannot express enough, the amount of graditude that people show when they receive our help. Thank you for your support."

Volunteers prepare meals in the Church kitchen and Fellowship Hall
Prayer Chain Group
• The Deacons have updated the Prayer Chain. If you would like to be on the prayer chain, please call the church office (518)762-8263 and leave your name and phone number. Once the Prayer Chain has been revised your name will be added and you will receive a list. As a prayer chain member, you will receive a call and be asked to pass the prayer request on to one other person.
• If there is anyone who would like to attend church services but is unable to drive, please call the church office (762-8263).
Prayers are asked for some members of our congregation who are not feeling well. Remember we are here if anyone needs us. Please contact a deacon or the church office to ask for help.

If you can purchase and donate any of these items listed below, it will be deeply appreciated. Drop them in the box in the narthex at church and our Deacons will deliver them.
Oatmeal (any kind), jelly/jam (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry), pancake mix, canned pineapple, canned chicken, muffin/cornbread mixes
THANKS to all who donated items or money for Ukrainian support.

Packing and delivering the items donated for Ukrainian support to Father Vasyl Dovgan of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Troy.
Check out the links below for information about the Presbyterian Church in our area, in our country and around the world.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) www.pcusa.org
Presbyterian News www.pcusa.org/navigation/news.htm
Presbytery of Albany www.albanypresbytery.org
Presbyterian Outlook http://www.pres-outlook.com/