Christian Fellowship

Above: 2024 Pentecost Sunday

Above: Rev. Dr. Earl Johnson celebrated as Pastor Emeritus on May 5, 2024
Above: Easter Service, March 31, 2024
Above: Potluck luncheon honoring Ron & Liz Custer

Above: Christmas 2023

Above: Easter 2023
On Jaunary 8, 2023 we celebrated the ministry and leadership of Pastor Blake and Lynn. We pray for Lynn and Blake in their new home in Providence, Rhode Island.

(Above) First Presbyterian participated in the Johnstown Colonial Stroll.
We had almost 70 nativity sets on display as well as the life size nativity
outdoors for taking photos. Carolers stopped by to warm up and enjoy
cocoa and cookies.

(Above) Trick or treaters who stopped at our Halloween Pitstop for cocoa,
popcorn and candy.

(Above) Volunteers packed items that had been donated for Ukrainian
Support. Donations were delivered to Father Vasyl Dovgan of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Troy.
(Below) Together we made bird feeders and cards so that we might
brighten the fall season of many of our homebound members and friends.
When projects were completed, we enjoyed lunch and fellowship.

Palm Sunday and Easter traditions in our church were celebrated—
even as snow fell outdoors! On Palm Sunday, Lynn showed us how to
make crosses with the palm leaves.

Two of the Nativity sets viewed by visitors to the church during the
Johnstown Colonial Stroll.
CLICK HERE for a downloadable PDF with photos of the nativity sets.

The hanging of the greens

Volunteers prepared meals in the Church kitchen and Fellowship Hall for
delivery to people in Fulton and Montgomery counties on Thanksgiving
Day. We had many, many volunteers and prepared more than 3000 meals!

Thanks to all who helped with or attended the Election Night Spaghetti
Supper. It was a success and raised funds for our church mission projects!

On Halloween we served cocoa and candy to 227 trick or treaters
plus the adults who were traveling with their children. What fun!!
Liz, Pastor Blake, Bret and Shannon played music and led the audience
in song at the unveiling of the statue of Elizabeth Cady Stanton on
Women's Equality Day, August 26, 2021.

Fourth of July was celebrated with a picnic following worship

A new sound system and live streaming upgrades were dedicated as a
memorial to Roger Ritzmann. Both Sharon Ritzmann and Roger's sister,
Pam, were in attendance.

On Palm Sunday, 2021, First Presbyterian Church celebrated the 100th
anniversary of the donation of the Knox Chimes to the church by Rose
Knox and her son. Many thanks to all who helped with the celebration
of the 100th Anniversary of the Knox Chimes including: Ron Chizek,
Linda Hinkle, Brett Dening, Anne Niles, Bob Gould, Belinda Vair and
Peter Smith.We were also joined on Zoom by Rose Knox's great-grand
Rose Ann!

Irish music celebration on St. Patrick's Day!

The First Presbyterian Church New Century Women's Annual Christmas
Outreach Program purchased and wraped gifts to bring blessings and joy
to 25 local adults in need during Christmas season.
Worship by Zoom & in the sanctuary took place during Advent and on
Christmas Eve as COVID-19 restrictions were eased.

Many of the "Festival of Hope" Free Thanksgiving meals were prepared
and packaged in our church. 3200 meals were distributed. Tom, Grover
and Lynn helped get it done. What a fete!

Work on the church steeples— structural repairs & painting

During the summer of 2020, worship was held outdoors on
Communion Sundays.

A painting done by Leslie Carsky Dickerson has been loaned to First Presbyterian Church
by the Johnstown Public Library. The Elizabeth Cady Stanton portrait was created to
spark more interest and pride in this Fulton County native and member of our church.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) set the agenda for the first Women’s Rights
Convention in Seneca Falls, New York and spent most of her life working to enfranchise
women in the political process. To fully appreciate her courage and accomplishments,
one has to remember the times in which she lived. When she began to speak in public it
was viewed as immoral. At that time a woman was not allowed to attend college, own
property if married, vote, be on a jury, have legal custody of her own children nor divorce
her husband on grounds of abuse or abandonment. And when Cady Stanton stood up for
the rights of women she was vilified for doing so. She persevered because of her passion,
intelligence and will. She was an inspiring woman of action whose struggle helped solidify
human rights for all Americans.
As we honor this historic
member of First Presbyterian Church, we also celebrate in the
year 2020 the one hundredth anniversary of granting the right to vote to women.

A few "found treasures" ... photos circa 1908-10 -showing my great grandfather,
Peter C. MacIntyre and his wife riding with my infant father, James C. MacIntyre.
Peter kept his horses in the barn at 11 East State (his home and where I grew up).
Center photo shows First Presbyterian church (corner of Clinton and South Market)
and the Johnstown library in background.
— James MacIntyre, Charlotte, NC